Side Projects
Some stuff that I do on the side

Aesthetically Pleasing
I began this site to showcase things that I come across that please my eye. It could be a building it could be print art or a digital interface.
Some of the posts may include links to buy the product listed for which I may get a commission but that is not the primary reason I started this site.
Also as far as I can ensure I will try to showcase content created by humans only.

Games and Stories Newsletter
I love stories. From the ones that my grandparents told me to the ones I discovered in the library in school. As I grew older and discovered video games, I found myself gravitating to the ones with remarkable stories.
Stories come from everywhere but the ones that are present in the best video games marry storytelling and interactivity in a way that can never be achieved by other forms of art.
This newsletter aims to highlight games which are exceptional at the stories they tell in a way only games can

Family Expenses Splitter
This is a simple excel sheet tool that let's you split your expenses with your spouse based on your individual incomes and monthly expenses.
Partner Income Expense Splitter